And two accessories, the scope and the refractor launch system.
I went and bought the same scope and the rapid fire system. I also got the ITS - Intelligent Targeting System. So we now have every offensive add-on (missing the detector, but that's passive/defensive so we can go on with out it). With these attachments you get an Optic strike and Refractor strike with the scope and a launcher strike with the RLS and Rapid Fire with the RFS. The RLS and RFS strikes are actually two things, a distinct IR code and three consecutive hits. So now I have decoded these light strike mods and their data bits.
If you recall, the bits in play are: bit 40, bit 42, bit 44, bit 46, bit 50, bit 56, bit 58, bit 60, bit 62. We now get to add bit 54 and bit 46 to the mix.
High bits for Optic strike: 40, 44, 56, 58
High bits for Refractor: 40, 42, 44, 54, 56
High bits for RFL: 40, 42, 46, 58, 60
High bits for RFS: 40, 42, 60, 62
If you make that a 12-bit binary, you get:
Optic: 2572
Refractor: 3608
RFL: 3334
RFS: 3075
Making the RFL the device to have it seems. In practice it is deadly too, it takes 2+ bars off your gun per shot, but has a long recycle time. Not sure when I'll get to it, but at some point I'm going to decode the ITS. When you capture the ITS for your team it can then do three things: 1 - Sentry mode, it spins and shoots randomly, only damaging teams of other colors. 2 - Bomb mode, you can activate and detonate a bomb doing massive damage (I'm assuming, haven't set it off yet). 3 - Medic mode, when the capturing team shoots the target, it beams back a health bar. Medic mode will be the most interesting to me. What does it send? Could you program a smart remote to record that signal and then have your own version of a med-pack like in the video games? There are other light strike mods we're thinking of too. A fun one might be to make a trip wire. Set off the sensor and an IR damage flash goes off. Or a death room, a room where you continually take low damage doses. It would be like crossing the lava or nuclear waste areas in Doom or Quake.
We spend 10 minutes or so goofing around with it this morning. First time we actually did some real shooting, and it went awesome. This is going to be really fun! Got an uptick in website traffic this week. Going to have to see what search terms bring you to these posts. Probably light strike hack or light strike hacking. I wonder if I show up for light strike mod at all. Probably will after this post.
Just found your blog today, (i searched "light strike hacks")very nice info. I was going to record the sound from the GAR023 and target to see if there were any inaudible cues that it gave off or perhaps key sounds I could point out that were different. Maybe it can be used with the target sensors in conjunction with the vest for attacking people from behind. I will be recording and review the data in a couple of days. Oh I also created a wiki at