Monday, October 17, 2011

iCloud and iCal accepting old appointments :-(

So Friday I received a bunch of out of office replies from former Co-workers who I did not email. Uh oh, some virus/malware is running somewhere. Panic level went to 11. Continued to sort through them, and a few were direct replies. I read them and Ed and Brian are asking me why I'm accepting appointments for meetings that have already past. Oh boy, this is going to be hard to track down. It could be a phone based malware, Mac/PC or an epic hack in the cloud.

Oh, did I mention I had just upgraded to iOS 5 and Mac OS X 10.7.2? Yup, sure did. Wasn't able to migrate my MobleMe stuff because the servers were too busy (which is a topic for another rant, since this problem has been solved in the industry multiple ways). So the iCloud transition has none of the fit and finish that I was expecting. Especially considering how bad MobileMe was. Even .Mac was better then MobileMe and .Mac couldn't sync for beans (again another problem that had been solved numerous ways yet ignored). Steve Jobs was supposedly personally involved with iCloud because if is tremendous dissatisfaction with MobileMe and it's reliability. Well they must not have fired the right people because iCloud has been a bumpier ride than MobileMe for me personally.

So back to my 'malware' problem. My Malware goes by the name iCloud. So when I converted my AppleStore account to iCloud (which is another problem I now have two iclouds and can't merge them) it took my home and work calendars into the iCloud. When doing so it went and accepted (and sent responses) to meetings that have already occurred. In 2007. Yup, I'm accepting 3 and 4 year old meetings that I already attended. This seems like a catchable senario to me. What possible reason for accepting a meeting that's already passed could their be? I would concede that there might be a need to accept an appointment that's up to a week old for some kind of tracking/verification purposes, but 3 years?

Icloud calendar

A bunch of googling didn't turn up others with this problem, so maybe there's something unique to how I did it. I took events from my GoogleApps email and accepted them on my .Mac enabled Laptop. I'm actually quite disappointed that iCloud dared to communicate on my behalf with out asking me. I should have been given the option to not send a response like I am with other well behaved calendar apps. I have a few more computers to upgrade. We'll see if I accept more phantom appointments. Oh well, another year, another disappointment with the Minnesota Vikings and Apple's cloud services.


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