Thursday, May 12, 2011

I think I might need to wear a watch again

Watchmaker Fossil has a new digital watch they're planning to market under the Meta Watch brand. The website ThisIsMyNext has a good write-up about it. In short, it's a bluetooth connected external display that you can push information to. The idea isn't new. SonyEricsson makes one Casio announced one. sells more than one (one and two). There's probably others along the same line. The SonyEricsson one is the most interesting, it's not only a remote display of callerID but it also has control for your music player on the phone. It's close to what I'd like to have.

Enter the Meta Watch. It's the same idea, but it's basically a blank slate. It's not designed for a specific purpose. It's make with customization in mind. So, you could, for example, push inbox counts, weather forecasts and other data like that. I'd like to use it with my ipod touch so it could summarize the nike+ or DigiFit data. Miles per hour, distance traveled, etc. It's a pain to look at that data on the actual iPod while you're exercising. It also is supposed to have an accelerometer, which gives other possibilities. You could count reps for exercise for example. You could flick your wrist to move from view to view. When you detect the bluetooth MAC address of someone you know, your watch could say "hey, John's near by" or "hide that window, your boss is coming".   

I don't wear a watch since I started carrying a cell phone but now I might have to again.