Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Kitty Paw toe bean macro pad

 I'm catching up on my tinkering projects.  The latest one: Kitty Toe Bean Keypad with Color TFT.  I forgot to take in-progress pictures but here's the final just before assembly shots.  I 3d printed the parts on my Prusa Mini and they came out excellent. Only some minor looseness in the snap-together parts.  The rest of the parts I ordered from listed in the build guide. 

Pretty happy with how the qtPy soldering turned out

The Kahil Jade switch wiring isn't great, but it works - you have to solder to a pin/post which requires very steady hands to keep it smooth - I do not have steady hands.

Press fit together.  You can see some of my sloppy soldering on the TFT display.

With the Toe Beans installed.

Here's a video of it in action - the original build guild has a dancing parrot as the image, I swapped out pictures of my cat Lola.  Sorry about the vertical filming I wasn't paying attention. 

All in all a fun project - the buttons do CMD+S (save), CMD+X (cut), CMD+C (copy) and CMD+P (paste).  I'll have to open a thread in the adafruit forums as the overall performance is really slow.  I have to hold the button longer than I would expect for it to take the action.  In the video on the build guide you get the impression that it works much faster/smoother than that.  Probably a wiring issue on my part

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