Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thoughts on Oracle buying Sun...

So Sun finally found a buyer. The IBM and Sun deal fell apart for various reasons (depending on who you ask) and now Oracle has swooped in and temporarily entered the hardware market. I've been writing this post in bits and pieces since I heard the news. The piece kept getting longer and longer and more unwieldy every day. So I've decided to break it up into three separate posts.


Over all I think it's a great deal for Sun. It remains to be seen how this works for Oracle. One interesting aspect of the acquisition to me, on a superficial level, is the logos.


Oracle Red 200904212212.jpg




Sun Blue


For my money, Sun has the superior logo and color since switching from that fisher price purple. A Red Sun logo looks pretty sad, IMHO. Huh, Red Sun, has an interesting ring to it.


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