Friday, November 13, 2020

Starting a 52 week photo challenge

I've come to the conclusion I need to take more pictures to get better.  So I'm starting a 52-week photo challenge developed by Dogwood Photography.  The website seems to be defunct now but the PDF of the challenge is still around.   I'm pretty sure I won't do the pictures every week and will be playing a lot of catch-up.  I also won't be posting them every week, even if I take the pictures, because posting them isn't the goal here.

The goal is to force myself to take more pictures so I'm better able to make what I capture on the camera match what I'm seeing with my eye.  I can get the shot I want about 50% of the time, but that's only with a lot of trial and error and fidgeting with the settings.  It's neither effortless nor fast.  My hope is that by taking more pictures I'll get better.  Right now I spend too much time with my face buried in the LDC screen of my camera.

So here we go - Week 1: Self Portrait - Take a picture that tells us who you are, without actually showing your face.

rich whiffen playing at his desk

So I'm not super happy about how this went, but it wasn't all bad.  I'll probably try it again later.  I wanted to do some gentle fill in flash but I can get the RF transmitter for my cheap Neewer flash to work anymore.  I was using my 50mm lens but I think I need something wider.  I only have the basic kit lens that goes wider so I'm not sure I'll have the aperture range I need but I'll give it a try.

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