So the other day I was trying to print this nifty funnel for Mokka pots - Mokka Pot Buddy from It's a fairly simple design, has multiple uses and stores in the mokka pot.
I just tossed it into BambuStudio, sliced the plate and hit print.
I mean it looks pretty straight forward what could go wrong?
Plenty it turns out. The bed adhesion wasn't good enough and the print came loose and stuck to the nozzle - much worse than getting spaghetti but at least this time it didn't consume the nozzle entirely like it did in my worst print failure I've ever had. It separated from the nozzle relatively cleanly - I had to scrape some extra gunk off and it had some extrusion issues on my next attempt but shortly thereafter it was back to normal.
Turns out I didn't look at the sliced file and I should have. If you look at the first few lines of the sliced file, you see that there are only two walls of filament touching the bed. None of the inner parts, they're floating above the bed.