Friday, July 26, 2024

Quick recap of Christmas Tree Project

I'll never make any money as a blogger.  Its never my goal or objective mind you, but it's abundantly clear to me that I could never make a living as a writer.  I just don't do it consistently enough.   These posts are mostly to gather and record my thoughts so I can remember later in life.

So I used NeoPixels to light my Christmas tree a 2022.  I put a post up about it when I was getting started and never followed up.  A lot like my photography posts.  Oh well.  The original post: 

Trying to NeoPixel my Christmas tree part 1

So I started to get it working quite well and had the tree wired up for the season.  I never went on to build the web front end so I could change the lights remotely.  Maybe in a future try.  

I even had enough lights left over to wire the tree in our office:

In both cases I'm running the color wheel code example from the MIT project.  I did make some that did alternate pattersn - like alternating red and green, sparkle/flashes, even did some hand mapping to do it by rows.  All the code is in my XmasTreeLights github repo.  In general it would be better to start with the Matt Parker code, the MIT code or AdaFruit's neopixel tutorials. 

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