Saturday, January 23, 2021

Photo Challenge week 2 - Rule of Thirds and getting back on track

So I put the photo challenge on pause.  I knew I was getting a new lens for Christmas and wanted to wait for that.  Anyway I finally got back out and started up again last week. The photo prompt is "Rule of Thirds Motion" - Use the Rule of Thirds to show Motion on your picture.  So here's the concept I want to do:

So that's the best of the shots I took.  I hate it. There's a lot of problems with it and I'll probably try and take it again. The first issue is I'm on the wrong side of the trail, the sun is just out of frame giving me awkward lighting. (it's where the bench I could sit on was located and it's a 30' drop on the other side of the trail. The second issue is it was cold - so very few people on the trail so I didn't have a lot of candidates to shoot.  I like the idea - set the shutter speed slow to blur the runner or rider.  Another version I might give a shot is a bench near my house that's on a busy street - see if I can get the lights to blur as the car drives by.   

Anyway wanted to get back to putting these pictures up to force myself to take more photos so I can get better. 

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