Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Towel dispenser and human factors

Was in a restroom in another office building the other day.  So many things about this struck me as bad human factors design.  First lets cut right to the chase:

You can use the sink as a frame of reference for how high off the ground this paper towel dispenser is.  I'm 6 feet tall and it's basically at eye level.   So this bugs me for several reasons.  First one being what if someone is short or in a wheel chair?  How are they supposed to get paper towels?  I suspect the decision to put this automated (wave your hand and paper towels come out) system was made after the bathroom was built.  So I can understand the poor judgment that went into this.  The thing that really bugs me about this though?  I have to bring my wet hands to shoulder level to wave and activate the dispenser.    Try this at home. Go get your hands wet in your bathroom and wave to yourself in the mirror.  Tell me where the water goes.   Do you, too, now have wet elbows?  I sure did, in my dress shirt for my meetings.  Luckly it was white so it didn't show a lot.  Not sure what they were thinking.

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