Thursday, October 4, 2018

Holtby should be on the assist leader board

The 2018/19 NHL season started for the Caps last night in dramatic fashion.  They trounced the Bruins 7-0.  During the 5th goal, goalie Braden Holtby got an assist.

Because it was the first game of the regular season and there weren't that many assists in total, Holtby should should show up on the assist leaderboards with 1.  However he's nowhere to be found.

Here's a screenshot from of the Capital's stats sorted by assists.

It's the same for all teams, he's not there (but it's too hard to screen shot that longer list).  Didn't see it on either.  Oddly enough, yahoo sports has it:

I suspect the problem is the databases that are feed the other sites.  They don't treat goalies as potential offensive players as they have stats related to saves and goals allowed which other players do not have.  They are therefor likely treated differently in the database than forwards and defensemen. There is probably a good article on software design in this about meeting requirements vs meeting desired outcomes.

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